
When Thousand People Forwarding Candidates?

When Thousand People Forwarding Candidates? Imagine this. Thousand people simultaneously search candidates for your open vacancies, they …

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How speed hiring works?

How Speed Hiring works? In a time that many companies desperately need new employees to fulfil growth and serve customers, the demand of …

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How Technology Helps HR Spend More Time on People

How Technology Helps HR Spend More Time on People Responding to employee requests can eat up a lot of HR’s time, especially when the questions …

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What is a Skills Assessment and Why is it Important?

What is a Skills Assessment and Why is it Important? What is a skills assessment? Why is it important? And how can it help your …

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How to Onboard new Employees?

How to Onboard new Employees? A friend started a new job a few months. He was thrilled about the company, the job and salary. After three months…

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